The CRAVE is a POWERFUL thing: the Amazing Spider-Man 2

actor: kate costello

i'm so excited and thankful for the projects that have been coming my way this year in the commercial world. my other job is in the publishing/media world in the role of freelance marketing and events, so i'm used to working with brands, but this was a welcomed opportunity to work on the talent side of the business.

this is my 3rd television commercial ever (2nd national) so when i showed up on set, i was super elated to be there - UBER ELATED - actually. it's funny because i've noticed that while i take in every little thing on set and soak it up like a sponge, the pros who are working around me and who do this everyday for a living get a little kick out of my exuberance. for them it's just another day at the office. for me, it's the biggest, most amazing thing that's happened to me...EVER! it's mind-boggling to audition, audition, audition and then to actually book something and then...GO TO WORK...ON SET...WITH A CREW...AND OTHER CAST MEMBERS. i love it. every minute of it. i PRAY & CRAVE for more.

the talented actress i'm working with in this commercial is kate costello. she was awesome to work with. you can check out some of her other work here:

what is it that you crave?

let me know in the comments section.

happy labor day wknd!

Actor. Voiceover Talent.